I am a student at Ōtaki College in Ōtaki, NZ. My blog is a place where I will be able to share some of my learning. Please note....some work won't be edited - they are just my first drafts, so there may be some errors. I would love your feedback, comments, thoughts and ideas on my posts.
Friday, 27 November 2020
Thursday, 26 November 2020
Research project About Starfish
Wednesday, 25 November 2020
Strategies I love to use
Tuesday, 24 November 2020
Creating Media - Christmas
Tuesday, 3 November 2020
Frank and Bobs day at the beach
It was a hot summer day and Frank, a 12 year boy, and was walking to the beach with his friend Bob who is also 12 years old too. It was a very hot day with the hot sun shining down on his face. Frank's mum told him to bring a sun hat but he didn’t and he was regretting it. They knew that they were close to the beach because they could smell salty water.
Their feet touched the hot sand and they ran to the water to cool their feet off. Frank and Bob took their top off and ran into the water. Splashing each other with water and swimming as far as they can. But Frank was shorter than Bob so he couldn’t swim as far as him. They were having a blast.
The sky turned a little gray. But they didn’t care. Something started swimming around with them. First Bob felt it by his feet but he just thought it was seaweed, But Frank didn’t think it was. Frank ran out of the water and Bob was wondering why he did that. Suddenly Frank started saying “get out of there Bob”!
But Bob didn’t hear what he said. He looked like he was those things that bob up and down in the water. But he just went down. He got sucked under the water and never came out.
Frank sat there for 10 minutes looking at the water. He didn’t care that the sand was so hot, but his bum got a little red after that. Frank didn’t have a phone because he acted like a 5 year old boy but that day I think he needed one.
From that day no one goes to that beach. But Frank still goes to his friend's grave every week on Saturday and puts some red flowers and talks to Bob for a few minutes. Frank thinks about him all the time and thinks of what he could have done.
Wednesday, 23 September 2020
What Good Writers Do!
Tuesday, 22 September 2020
Dawn Raid Thing Link
Wednesday, 16 September 2020
Friday, 4 September 2020
Get creative
In get creative this week I drew my dog Bear because that was one of the things that we could do.
Thursday, 3 September 2020
The Titanic bow slowly went down first
They thought it was unsinkable
Atlantic Ocean
Now it’s at the bottom of the sea
It was one of the largest ships ever built
Couldn’t think of it not sinking
This week I was reading this story called unsinkable and this is one of the tasks that I had to do.
Thursday, 27 August 2020
Global Warming
This week I was reading about global warming. This stick man shows how you can live when the earth is too hot.
Wednesday, 26 August 2020
Thursday, 20 August 2020
Yellow Dog
School is so so boring. Just thinking about it makes me want to go to sleep🥱 and I don’t know why. Mr Markise, our science teacher, talks so much that we don’t get to do anything sometimes. I just want him to lose his voice🤐 so we can do something. Yup that would be good.
I live out of the city 🏙️ and it’s very quiet and school is in the middle of town. So when I walk home 🏠 I have a lot of time to think about school and other stuff. I alway touch all the fences so it makes my hands ✋🤚 feel numb.
One foot 🦶 on the doorstep my mum opens the door.
” How was school Stevin”?
“ It was ok I guess”.
My mum and dad told me to wait in the car 🚘 for them, so I did. I was waiting and waiting.
Finally, they came out of the house with a dog lead. I was so happy because I’m always saying “look at that dog”, that’s so cute. Yup that’s me. No one was talking for some reason but I didn't care because I was too too happy.
A long, long drive but we got there. A big dog sine was right there. We walk in and my dad said
“Find the one for you son”, he had a big smile on his face.
I looked at all the dogs and it felt like they were saying pick me pick me.
He was walking around for 10 minutes but there was one dog 🐶 that was yellower than the sun☀️. Slobber all over the dog's face and big floppy ears with a brown heart nose Stevin knew that that was the one for him. I told my dad can I get him, he nodded and smiled.
We were in the car and I was thinking of a name, he chipped on licking my face with his slobber and I thought for a moment slobber slobber hey that’s a good name I said to myself. Slobber smiled at me like he was saying thank you.
We got home and Slobber jumped on our couch and slept 😴, maybe because he used all his energy to get picked. I woke up at 6:30 to take the dog for a walk. We were walking, then he told a poop 💩. An old lady was looking at me and I didn’t know why so I walked back home. I told my mum and she told me that we have to pick up the poop and My jaw dropped 😲.
I ran back from school so fast so I could see Slobber and my friends were running with me so they could see my new dog too. We were playing soccer ⚽ and Slobber chipped on chasing the ball and got slobber all over it, but my friends just thought it was funny. They left and Slobber and I were laying on the grass watching the clouds ☁️ go by.
I heard my dad coming back from work. Slobber and I got up and saw him. Slobber was running across the road. I saw a blue car 🚙 zooming down the road, I shouted out Slobber. He looked but it was too late. My dad ran over and picked him up off the road and laid him on the lawn. My dad left me to say my goodbye but I couldn’t say my goodbye and I cried 😭 and cried 😭 so hard to get him back.
Friday, 14 August 2020
Dawn Raid Book Cover
Thursday, 13 August 2020
Passion Project
Passion Project
I made a poster about why onions make you cry and what onions have in it that makes you cry.
Friday, 7 August 2020
Planet Fish
Thursday, 30 July 2020
Healthy rivers

Friday, 24 July 2020
Max The Yellow Flower
Friday, 26 June 2020
Writing game
Friday, 19 June 2020
I walk outside