Thursday 30 July 2020

Healthy rivers

Information report

In our ATN we are writing an information report. An information report is about an object, person or an animal. We use the W words like when, where, why, who or what.

In our class we are going to be going to go to a river in Ōtaki to see how healthy it is. We need these rivers for drinking, watering plants, enjoyment and for animals. 80% of our rivers are poor quality because for some dairy farmers, topsoil and it is impacting on our clean green for New Zealand.


At Waitohu stream there live wild life like fresh water fish and more. The Waitohu stream come down the Tararua hills to the sea. Did you know how long the Waitohu stream is? It is up to 54 square kilometres long, which sounds long to me. In 2006 there was flooding because the mouth moved and it caused do to dune-erosion and it caused flooding to the stream and that’s a hazard.
riverbank-otaki-river - Riverbank Engineering

Friday 24 July 2020

Max The Yellow Flower

One day like all the other days. There was a beautiful planet called the plant planet, that has plants like the name of the planet ha funny right. It just looks like a perfect forest put on to a planet.

So more about Max. Max is a bright sunny yellow flower that stands there with his two green leaves and a green stem. He always sees his friend standing about like him.

Another day like all the other days but it wasn’t, but they didn’t know. Just like a normal day standing there. Something started appearing in the sky. . .

A black dot was in the sky and it started getting bigger and bigger. Max was scared because it was sucking all his tall tree friends up, then sucked smaller stuff up like his mother that was red as a rose. Max's dad put his leaf on his yellow peddle. Max's father took him out of the ground and put him into a flower buble and if you don’t know what a flower buble is it is just a flower that has not opened up yet. His father threw him out of the atmosphere.

In space there was a pink flower floating around and there was Max sitting in there. Max felt like he was going to die. He closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Max woke up to a big bang to the ground. He opened the flower up and he was in a dark alleyway, that smelt like old fish. All his friends and family were gone and he wanted to make more plants live because he is the only plant that is alive. His life was getting shorter and shorter.

He waddled along the footpath. Seeing the gray park he walked over if he was the only one there but he was. He stood there in the middle of the park thinking of what he should have done to save his parents. Max started crying, his eyes when red and his nose went clogged but everything started turning green. His eyes lit up, flowers popped up and trees. He fell down with a smile on his face and he knew that he did something good.